Tuesday, May 24

New Sword

I am buying a new sword soon, which one, I am unsure of. My first quality sword is a Gus Trim blade, MS1313 from allsaintsblades.com. This is a larger sword and now I want to get a true one-hander.

I’ve always loved Viking swords, and originally got involved with swords because of that. That’s why I’m thinking of this one, the Vinland. http://albion-swords.com/swords/albion/nextgen/sword-viking-vinland.htm

On the other hand, even though initially I was unimpressed with this one, the Sovereign, I can’t stop thinking about it, and the blade is truly amazing. http://www.myarmoury.com/review_alb_sov.html

So send me some comments and help me decide.


At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My vote is for the Sovreign. The blade on that thing is cool beyond belief.

Also, the broad pommel on the Vinland looks like it could really hurt your hand after a while if you're doing any wrist-work. Perhaps I'm a pantywaist, but I'd be concerned about that.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Maddog said...

The pommel on the Vinland, like all Viking swords, is large. This does not interfere with the grip and style the sword was designed for. If you hold this sword the way I told you to hold my current sword, its hilt will not impede proper form. Some later grips and tactics would be difficult/painful (ex. ham fisted grip), however, the large pommel does offer many advantages in the style of combat it was designed for.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Pabstman said...

I think that The Sovereign
is the one that I ould go with as well. I like the look of the blade and I think that the Vinland would be bulky, but i have no knowledge of swords at all.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Alex said...

Swords, schmords! Just hurry up and kill the green dragon already! I need someone to compete with on that damned addictive game!

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always liked the short sword and dagger combination. However, never estimate a belt fed weapon.

How was B co? Did you get pinned (promoted to Staff Sgt) over there?

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always liked the short sword and dagger combination. However, never estimate a belt fed weapon.

How was B co? Did you get pinned (promoted to Staff Sgt) over there?

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Maddog said...

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At 7:22 PM, Blogger Maddog said...

SFC Hicks was my Plt. Sgt. Grey will remember Wallace from PLDC, who was also in the Plt. I got pinned, but they couldn’t find my orders. They assumed they were still at C Co.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Maddog said...

I’m a level 6 Human who practices the Dark Arts, named Maddog (imagine that). I’m having trouble amassing gold. For those of you who are thinking wtf, go to http://lotgd.net/referral.php?r=Maddog

It’s stupid but fun and pretty addictive.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Dr. Gregory Roberts said...

I'll never forget the day I stopped over to say 'hi' and you busted out your bastard sword and chopped some cartons. That's not something you see every day.

At 7:37 AM, Blogger Zeke said...

I love swords as well. However, my choice of weapon is the saber. Just how long can you swing that bastard sword?
This preference comes from taking fencing classes. My old class is getting together next thursday to have some sparring. If I can't get off work I'm going to be somewhat pissed.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Maddog said...

A long time.

I am highly interested in sabers as well, hover they are a much more recent weapon, and I am unfamiliar with them. I would love to get together and spar to compare styles (no we will not spar to the death or even with real swords).

At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it all depends on what your looking for as far as combat style.
I would go with the soverign a long knife and a medium buckler for some brutal up close and personal.


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